
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Update to come

 I have been up to some things and I promise I will update as soon as I load pictures. I made a great pulled pork recipe that I am going to share and I made some cute turkey cookies for Thanksgiving (that Tim helped me with). I am hoping this week to get some sewing done if my students don't drain me too much. Update coming soon I hope...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Too Good To Be True

Everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to read. More specifically, these days I LOVE to read on my nook (even though I have so many paper books that I have to alternate)! What I like to read is anything that doesn't make me think. So basically I read what is considered "chick lit"... light, fluffy, funny, cute... what would make a good chick flick. And I don't care if my books have no "substance". I enjoy reading them to relax me and what better way than to laugh while reading.

The last book I read is by Kristan Higgins "Too Good to be True". I had never read any of her work before but I have to say I am hooked. This book was so enjoyable I didn't want to put the nook down! (ok so that is true for most books that I read, but still!) I don't want to give too much away from the story, so here is a quick synopsis...

Grace is a civil war loving history teacher who has been dumped by her fiancee, for her younger sister! She has a hard time meeting men and everyone in her family is so worried for her because of the breaking up. It will be her time soon they all say... What they don't know is that all her life Grace has had a habit of making up fake boyfriends. And she has to do it again in order to protect her younger sister's feelings. Seems to be going fine until the house next door is suddenly occupied. After a few mishaps with the new neighbor (who is appealing to the eye, to say the least), she realizes that she is starting to think about Callahan a lot more than normal.

This book is definitely one that will have you laughing and wanting to turn the pages faster! The ending was not exactly what I expected. I am usually a really bad predictor when it comes to reading and even watching movies. but there are some twists and turns along the way that will keep you intrigued until the very last page.

Things around here are changing...

...again! I just can't seem to decide what I want this blog to be! But here is what I have decided. I want to commit myself to doing one thing a week. As you are all thinking WTF is she talking about right... let me clarify

As I stated earlier in this blog, I have a lot of hobbies and things I want to learn to do. Unfortunately I just don't have time to do them all, all the time. What I want to do is do at least ONE THING a week. Whether it is trying a new recipe, working on a sewing project, baking, taking pictures, editing pictures, or reading and reviewing a book.

I am hoping that this will get me to do SOMETHING other than stress about work. And I do have a lot of Christmas sewing that I need to get done...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Grizzlies win!

We went to the Grizzlies game last night and we had a great time! They won, which is always a good thing! And I got to see my favorite NBA player- Rudy Gay (ok admittedly I don't know more than the Grizzlies players, but I love him!) Tim took and edited a really good pic and I wanted to share...

(if you click the pic it will make it bigger)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

nookboards giveaway

Does anyone here have a nook or been dying to get one? I have a nook wifi model (had the 3g but had to get a new one and chose to get the wifi instead) and I LOVE it! They just released a nook color which will be great for people who want to read magazines or children's books but don't want to pay the high price of an ipad. If you have one or are thinking of getting one for a family member for the holidays, hop on over to  nookboards and enter the contest to win a gift card! If you have a nook already this can be used to get a lot of ebooks for yourself. If you don't have one it is enough to get the wifi model, or to put towards another model of your choice! And even if you don't win, it is a great community of people with lots of resources and information. Free books, accessories, technical support... it's all there!

What are you waiting for? Go enter!!

It's been a while.... and some things bug me

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted. We had my best friends wedding Oct 15 so I was out of town that whole week. It was a great time and we have lots of great pics- but I am still trying to catch up on my sleep! Then after taking a week off from work, I have been crazy busy trying to catch up. We have think show in 2 weeks... this is a big show of student work. Something I would rather NOT discuss- enough said. As soon as that is over, hopefully things will calm down.

I can't believe we are almost in November! I am not sure when we decorated for Christmas last year, but I am thinking we will decorate the few days I am off for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to get all of our decorations out and up! We bought just a couple new things from Disney when we went this summer and I can't wait to see how they look! We really need to start Christmas shopping. We have been saying every week, let's just get one person's gift each week so it doesn't hit us all at once... we haven't bought a one yet! Maybe after think show? ( I blame everything on think show!)

So onto the second part of my title... things that bug me...

Have you ever noticed how people flaunt their money? Even if they don't have it to flaunt? It drives me positively crazy! We aren't by any means "well off" but we aren't living in a cardboard box either. We have a brand new house and are getting by on our own. But even if I did have money to gloat about, I wouldn't. I think it is very distasteful! I wish some people understood what it felt like to have to work hard for the things you want. Because I don't care what anyone says- the people that flaunt it, didn't work hard to get it! People that work hard to get what they have are very modest and silently proud of what they have. Just my 2 cents....

I am off now to have a lazy Saturday until later. We are going to the Grizzlies game with my parents. We couldn't pass down tickets for only $10! Maybe they will even win....

Hopefully there will be more entertaining posts coming in the next few weeks when I am done with this overwhelming feeling I have been having thanks to work.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What's with all the hobbies?

 As you can see, I have many hobbies. I am not perfect and I am certainly not a professional at any of these hobbies, but they keep me happy and help me keep my stress levels down.

I am pretty proud to say that my life doesn't revolve around only one thing. I can't imagine having only one thing in my life that was interesting to me. I know quite a few people that have no hobbies and I think how bland that must be. 

I get a kick out of reading, and laugh as much when reading as I do when watching tv. Tim thinks I am crazy, but I enjoy it.

I watch sports with my husband. It is something we have been doing together since we started dating. It is nice time for us to do something together that we both love (ok admittedly he loves it way more than me, but I do enjoy football, hockey, and even basketball). It is nice for him to be able to teach me things since he knows more about the sports than me.

I sew because it keeps me busy and I love to be able to say "I made this!" (even if it looks like a 5 year old helped.)

I like to learn to cook and bake new things because even if they suck, I know my husband will eat it. I don't think I have made anything that awful yet (and if it was bad it was because it just was blah of a recipe not because I messed it up... come to find out I am pretty good at following directions.)

Tim and I play the wii (after a LONG hiatus from it). And I am not sure if this is considered a hobby but we have a good time and get some good laughs out of it. Laughing is what life is all about.

I love to take pictures and am constantly trying to take some good ones. I may not be that great at it yet, but I have my whole life to learn. 

I am sure I have more hobbies (heck this blog has become one) but these are the big ones right now.

So I hope when someone asks you what your hobbies are that you can answer with something. Because I would sure feel bad if you had nothing to talk about. Or just one thing that your life revolves around.

Let's keep track shall we?

3:31---So far I have done some leg workouts, am going to do my situps, and have worked more on my quilt... 30 more squares sewn together.

Once I clean up the mess I made from my quilt, I plan on reading on my nook.

4:21--- situps complete, sewing mess clean, nook in hand
(do you know how hard it is do to situps while a loving shih tzu is trying to give you kisses?!)

Pictures to come of the quilt progress, as well as the loving shih tzu who decided to sit on my quilt while I was taking the pictures. Both batteries for the camera are dead... so until they charge I will read on my nook then begin reading about photography. Chugging right along...

5:44--- floors cleaned... only have to clean bedroom and bathrooms and do laundry. But because I have the best husband in the world, we will do that later or tomorrow because he helps.

Going to look up some photography things (and add stuff to my ambitious list)

9:30--- what was I thinking when I made that list?! I put THREE sewing projects on it. I was obviously delirious. I am going to cross some off now because I only EVER do one sewing project at a time!. I did look up some recipes that sounded interestingly yummy and bookmarked those. I found some photography tips but the camera batteries just finished charging so I left it at that.

Talk about somewhat productive right?

So what is left to do?

Lesson plan from now until winter break with Amy.... we really are planning let's hope we can get that far (hopefully this will happen tomorrow)
Organize all my coupons and get myself reorganized so I can go back to couponing (hmm.. not sure if this will happen this weekend)
Clean the house (Tim is finishing laundry and we will do the rest tomorrow)
Get my sub plans done (which should be easy after Amy and I plan)
Fill out parent-teacher conference forms

Not too bad... 

Sometimes I get a little TOO motivated

Sometimes I get in my head that I want to do a lot of things in a short amount of time. Other times I am a really good procrastinator. Today- I am feeling ambitious!

Things I would like to get done today this weekend...

Lesson plan from now until winter break with Amy.... we really are planning let's hope we can get that far
Organize all my coupons and get myself reorganized so I can go back to couponing
Clean the house
Sew more of the quilt I started 2+ years ago! I made a small dent in it last night and sewed 21 of the squares together.... probably about 70+ more to go (I haven't counted them but there are a TON laid out on my floor)
Start sewing aprons for Christmas baking
Make another pillowcase dress
Get my sub plans done (which should be easy after Amy and I plan)
Read up on some photography skills and practice them
Read some of the book I started on my nook
Workout- somehow, in some way- even just some situps or something!

Yea... I might get some of that done....

But I suppose it is better to be over ambitious than under. Set high expectations- succeed? That is what we do when we teach. Maybe it can work in my daily life.

Or am I just too ambitious today... like this baby?

But I imagine in order for it to work, I need to get up and get moving on my day!

Adding to the list... get ready for parent teacher conferences on Monday (as in, fill out all the forms so I am not rushing around before parents show up to get them done)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Regrets? Yea I have a few...

Everyone has heard the quote

Never regret anything because at one point it was exactly what you wanted....

I think that is the biggest line of garbage I have ever heard! Just because I at one point wanted something doesn't mean I don't regret it. Whew, I have a long line of regrets. And I could probably write a novel of them and why they are all logical regrets. But I won't put anyone to sleep with all the details.

Those regrets are things that have made me the way I am. Sometimes I hate the regrets, because I have a bad day and wish I had made a different decision in life. Sometimes, I am thankful for the regrets because I learned a lot from them. If I could go back in time and change some things, maybe I would. But who knows?

I regret a lot of former relationships... but I am thankful for them because it showed me what I really wanted in a husband. And I must say, I have the best husband around. Everyone says it... I truly believe it. Someday he may have his own post dedicated to how truly amazing he really is.

I regret losing some friends... but people grow up and change. And if I lost those friends, they probably were never real friends to begin with. Because the real friends, no matter how bad things get, they come back. (Believe me on this one...)

I regret not getting my masters/a 2nd degree... but looking at those student loan bills every month am glad I never did because I hate paying those! Maybe someday I might get my masters...maybe I won't. Right now I am content.

So while regrets aren't always a bad thing.... I don't believe that quote. I have regrets and don't give me the line! Everyone regrets something... even if it is something small, like a new purchase!

While looking up quotes I came across these...

I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason, The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person.

Let me edit that one to MY liking... I have no regrets in my life. But- I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person.

If we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over tomorrow, we have no today in which to live. 

I certainly do not sit down and dwell on the regrets. Most of the time I don't think about them. But I do accept them and how they have shaped my life.

Just because you wanted it doesn't mean you won't ever change your mind. Maybe we can call them learning experiences instead of regrets?